This page together with our privacy policy contains the terms and conditions that will apply between Silver Aisle (Private) Limited and registry holders. Please note that you will not be able to avail yourself of the services offered on this site unless and until the following terms are accepted by you. Please go through the same confirm your acceptance by clicking on “I accept” below. Please also note that these Terms and Conditions, inclusive of terms and conditions as regards payment and relevant laws and regulatory requirements, are subject to amendment at the sole discretion of Silver Aisle (Private) Limited. You will be subject to such Terms and Conditions as are in force at the time receiving an acknowledgment of account email from Silver Aisle (Private) Limited as more fully referred to in clause 6 hereof. The Terms and Conditions as are contained below were last updated on the 9th of October, 2019.

    a. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited is a private limited liability Company registered under and in terms of the Companies Act No.7 of 2007 bearing Registration No PV00211264 and having its registered address at No. 3 Sravasti Place, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka. Our contact details can be found on the “Contact Us” tab.


    b. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited represents and warrants that it has the right to provide the services offered on www.silveraisle.com. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited further warrants that it shall use all reasonable care and skill in making such services available to you bearing in mind that due to the nature of the services provided and the involvement of third- parties, errors and omissions may occur. In view of the fact that we are continuously seeking to improve your experience, Silver Aisle (Private) Limited reserves the right to make amendments to services provided on www.silveraisle.com as it sees fit.


    a. The services offered by our site should only be used for non- commercial and/or domestic use. We reserve the right to refuse our services in the event we consider that such services are being sought for commercial and/or non- domestic purposes.


    b. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited reserves the right to refuse to sell certain Products, including but not limited to knives and alcohol, to individuals below the age of eighteen (18). Such sales would also be refused in the event our team is unable to verify your age.


    Your personal information will be utilized by our team strictly in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

    The Products on our site have been meticulously chosen by our team in order to meet the varied preferences of our users. Please note that the images of the Products included on our site may vary in colour from the actual Product although every effort has been made by our team to ensure minimal deviation. Similarly, the packaging of the Products as delivered to you may vary from the images displayed on our site.

    a. Please follow the instructions on our Home Page as regards creating a Registry on our site. You will receive acknowledgment via email once your account has been successfully created. This acknowledgment email would serve as confirmation of the creation of a contract between yourself and Silver Aisle (Private) Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”)
    b. The creation of your account on www.silveraisle.com is an offer by you to purchase services from us. The Contract is formed between yourself and Silver Aisle (Private) Limited on receipt by you of the acknowledgment email referred to in the paragraph above. We are not obliged to provide you any services until such time as you receive such email.


    a. Our Site permits you to choose Products on our site and include them in a Registry which would be accessible to your guests on submission of the access information. Guests would then be able to purchase such Products which would be delivered to you in accordance with the terms contained herein.
    b. The site also permits group purchases whereby Guests are permitted to contribute towards higher value Products along with other Guests (Group Gifts). In the event Guests have contributed towards Group Gifts but the full price of such Group Gift has not been paid, you will have the option of paying the remaining sum due in respect of the Group Gift or using such credit either towards the purchase of a different Product off our site or as a contribution towards another Group Gift on your Registry.
    c. Please note that all Products on our site, inclusive of those added to your Registry, are subject to availability. Any Product listed on your Registry which subsequently becomes unavailable will be shown as “out of stock” on your Registry. We may also notify you of the same. In the event a Product listed on your Registry is purchased for you by your Guests and subsequently becomes unavailable, your account will be credited with an amount equivalent to the price of such Product and you will thereafter be able to credit such sum towards the purchase of another Product of your choice off our site. Please note however that the delivery time and dates for such replacement Product may differ from the date originally agreed.


    a. The prices of all the Products displayed on our site will be as quoted on our site and are inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) unless otherwise stated. The price of Products is subject to amendment and Guests will be charged the price as applicable on the date the Product is purchased through our site.
    b. Credit/ Debit card details will be encrypted in order to avoid unauthorized access. Orders will not be confirmed unless authority for payment is given at the time of placing your order. We accept the following cards- Visa Credit, Visa Debit and Mastercard.


    a. The charges in respect of the delivery of the Products (as purchased off your Registry) to you will be included in the price of the Products unless, due to the nature of such Product, a particular mode of delivery is required.
    b. Such Products will be delivered to you on a date pre- determined by you at the time of creating your Registry as one consignment except in the case of replacement Products which are referred to herein. The date of delivery may be amended by you from time to time until four (04) days prior to a pre- determined date of delivery after which time no change in the date will be permitted. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited would be happy to make arrangements in the event you would prefer that the Products are delivered to you in more than one (01) consignment. However, in such circumstances the cost of each additional consignment would be borne by you.
    c. Someone would need to be available at the address given by you to accept delivery of each of the consignment referred to above on the agreed delivery date. In the event no one is available to accept the goods at the given address at such agreed time of delivery for any reason whatsoever, Silver Aisle (Private) Limited will inform you that delivery could not be effected and will take steps to store such Products until delivery. The cost of storage and additional attempts to deliver the Products would be borne by you.
    d. Delivery shall be considered completed on delivery of the Products to the address given by you. The responsibility of Silver Aisle (Private) Limited in respect of the Products shall immediately cease upon such delivery.
    e. Any large Products, which may include Group Gifts, would be identified as such on our Site and would be delivered to you directly by the supplier who will contact you directly in order to arrange delivery. Any defect in such Product or the delivery of such Product should be raised directly with the supplier.


    The liability of Silver Aisle (Private) Limited is limited to such foreseeable loss and damage caused a breach by Silver Aisle (Private) Limited of the Terms and Conditions contained herein. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for unforeseeable loss and damage. For the avoidance of doubt, loss and/or damage shall be deemed foreseeable in the event it is an obvious and/or contemplated consequence of a breach of the Terms and Conditions contained herein.

    a. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Silver Aisle (Private) Limited shall not, under any circumstances, be liable for a breach of these Terms and Conditions in circumstances where such breach occurs due to the occurrence of an event of Force Majeure.
    b. For the purposes hereof, an event of Force Majeure shall mean an act or event beyond the reasonable control of Silver Aisle (Private) Limited including but not limited to strikes, lock-outs, industrial action by third-parties, civil commotion, riots, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war, fire, explosion, storm, flood, earthquake, natural disasters, failure of public or private telecommunication networks, impossibility to use public or private transport and acts of God.
    c. In the event of an occurrence of an event of Force Majeure which affects the performance of our obligations under the Contract, we will notify you of the same as soon as is reasonably possible, suspend our obligations under such contract and extend the period by which we are obliged to perform such obligations by the duration of the event of Force Majeure. In circumstances where an event of Force Majeure affects the delivery of Products to you, we will make arrangements for Products to be delivered to you at a mutually convenient time after the conclusion of the event of Force Majeure.


    All references to “in writing” as set out in these Terms and Conditions shall include communication sent by way of electronic mail (e-mail). You may alternatively choose to send us communications by way of registered post addressed to Silver Aisle (Private) Limited, No.3 Sravasti Place, Colombo 07, Sri Lanka or contact us on +94 71 225 8888

    a. Silver Aisle (Private) Limited reserves the right to assign all its rights and obligations under the Contract to another entity at its sole discretion and with notice to you. Such assignment would not affect your rights and obligations under and in terms hereof
    b. You would also be entitled to assign your rights and obligations under the Contract once our approval has been first had and obtained.
    c. Whenever possible, each of these Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. In the event any of these Terms and Conditions is held to be prohibited, invalid or unenforceable to any extent in any jurisdiction that Term and/or Condition shall be ineffective to the extent of the prohibition, invalidity or unenforceability in that jurisdiction and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions and the application of such Term and Condition in circumstances or jurisdictions other than those in which it is prohibited, invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    d. The Contract and these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of Sri Lanka. Any dispute and/or claim arising out of or in connection with the Contract and these Terms and Conditions including any question regarding their existence, validity or termination shall be referred to and finally resolved by a Court of competent jurisdiction in Sri Lanka.
    e. No consent or waiver, express or implied by a Party of any breach or default of any of the other Party in performing its obligations under the Contract shall be deemed or construed to be a consent or waiver of any other breach of default by such Party of the same or any other obligation hereunder. Failure on the part of any Party to complain of any act or failure to act by any other Party or to declare the Party in default shall not constitute a waiver by any such Party of its rights hereunder.