Dad’s Know Best: Advice from Seasoned Dads to New Dads

Dad of 22 years

Each one of your children is unique. Celebrate the differences and parent accordingly. 

Dad of 20 years

 Make sure you are the first person they call when they get into trouble – you need to have a relationship no matter what it is that they can come to you. Understand that this trust doesn’t come overnight. 

Dad of 22 years

 You can be a father at any age – don’t let that stop you

Dad of 20 years

 Your teenagers need space to grow and experiment – their challenges are different from what you may have faced. PS – mood swings come and go don’t take it personally 

Dad of 35 years

Changing diapers is not a chore but a privilege.

Dad of 20 years

There has to be one voice from both parents – there can’t be a variation in the voice when it comes to parenting 

Dad of 22 years

Family time is precious. Sharing a meal together regularly can work wonders.

Father of 19 years

FBe present in the moment. Don’t spend time worrying about other things – it can ruin precious moments with your kids.

Dad of 25 years

Trust your instincts. Don’t compare your parenting style with others – you know your children best.

Dad of 19 years

Stay healthy; your kids need you.

Dad of 24 years

Each child in a family is unique, and when they are treated that way, they blossom. It’s like the fingers of your hand, each belong to the same but hand.. but are different.