Coping with Anxiety Amidst a Pandemic for Brides-to-Be: 6 Tips from a Psychologist

Covid-19 has impacted everyone in different ways, unapologetically compelling us to adapt to the changes taking place in both personal and professional lives. While we were speaking with friends and brides-to-be, the anxiety and stress arising from having one of the most significant milestones in their life postponed indefinitely, became increasingly apparent.

What started off as an internal brainstorming session to try and help our brides, led to us chatting with Sanchia Supramaniam, a Psychologist and the Founder of Helping Hands Counselling Service (and a bride-to-be, herself!). Her advice and coping strategies were invaluable. With her permission, we noted her insights down below, hoping that it would help other brides––or anyone, for that matter––navigate through these uncertain times.   

1. Changing your perspective

It is tough to come to terms with the fact that, while the whole world seems to have come to a halting stop, your wedding plans too will have to be paused.

If your big day is nearby, this can be extremely anxiety-provoking. When the decision to postpone your wedding is made by your partner and yourself – it would be a good practice to focus on the word ‘postponed’.

You will be getting your magical day, but yes, it’s going to be later than originally anticipated. Right now things might feel bleak, but keep focusing on the idea of it being postponed and not canceled. 

2. Avoid undermining your emotions

A common sentence that I have heard from brides during this period is, “there are bigger issues in the world right now…I probably shouldn’t be so upset about this.” Feeling guilt about the emotions you are experiencing will only bring you feelings of unnecessary and unwarranted shame.

Acknowledge your emotions and allow yourself to be upset; you have been planning this day for a long period of time, you may have envisioned this day since you were a little, and it was a day especially carved out to mark the beginning of your marriage. 

Your wedding day is important to you, and allowing yourself to acknowledge that it being postponed is upsetting, is okay and necessary.  

3. Prioritize your to-do list

A good way to reduce stress is to sit down with your partner––either face to face or virtually––and come up with a list of tasks that need to be completed.

Start your list with tasks that need your immediate attention and move down to tasks that can be attended to later. Listing everything down can help you visualize the tasks before you, and break down what seems like an overwhelming, daunting mission, to smaller, more doable, tasks.  

Interested in a few practical ways to do this? Have a read through our article on how to go about notifying guests 

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4. Voice your needs

Asking for help is tough but it is not recommended to take upon this big task, all on your own. Trust the people around you to provide you with help as well. Speak with your loved ones and see who might be available to assist you in making the necessary arrangements to postpone the ceremony.

Remember that one person shouldn’t have to deal with all this alone, including your family and friends in this process can help in reducing excess stress. 

5. Try writing down what you feel

Journaling is a common strategy we use in therapy when someone is going through a particularly stressful time period.

This can be useful for brides-to-be too, as it helps organize your thoughts, give you clarity about what you are feeling as well as provides you with a healthy outlet to express your emotions. 

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6. Seek professional support

If your emotions are consistently distressing for a significant period of time, it is worth having a chat with a professional.

Getting support from a therapist or counsellor during a time like this can help you immensely. Therapy can help you derive a sense of control over your emotions, it can provide a space to discuss how you feel about everything going on, as well as provide you with a space to be sad without judgement, while also giving you coping strategies to navigate your current situation. 

If you would like to seek professional support, the Silver Aisle team is happy to recommend Sanchia Supramaniam, the author of this article and founder of Helping Hands Counselling Service.

You can reach out to her through Whatsapp: +94779605617, or her Instagram page @hh_counnselling